Monday, August 22, 2011

More 90's? Well since you asked so nicely....

So I'm shufflin' on through my iPhizzle the other day and this song comes up. I would like to formally thank Gob for reminding me and all of us why the 90's ruled so much.

Now I know what you're let me stop you right now. "Oh, once you start the 'so-and-so-decade was the best nostalgia' you're just getting old." Not true. Ok, I may be getting slightly older...but it's not just that.

The 90's were the best subset of recorded history and it's a scientific fact....not my opinion. I will prove it to you now with 3 irrefutable points.

This video contains:
1) Pop-Punk
2) Soccer
3) Zombies

I rest my case. Enjoy:

For those of you that are still reading, I salute your endurance.

Now I know there will be a few of you that are whining, "B-B-But that song isn't from the 90' came out in the 2000's.."

Ok, I concede that "I Hear You Calling" first appeared on Gob's "The World According To Gob" released in Jan 2001. But I'm still right...and here's why:

1) The song clearly embodies the spirit of the 90's in every way, shape and form.
2) The song was probably written on tour in '99.
3) The year 2001 is an honorary part of the 90's. The early 2000's were 90's by they were having an identity crisis. They just hadn't planned on making it past Y2K.

Friday, August 19, 2011

90s Anyone? -- Dovetail Joint, Jurassic Park

Not that the two go together, but they were both big in the 90s, right?


A Different Man

Because technology can change the way you see yourself and others, or something kind of like that.

And because music is fun:

Different Man by ProdMemSoc

Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Song: Pop-Up World

Yeah, Ben put down "Pop-Up World."

It's pretty AWEsome.

Check it out:

Pop-Up World by ProdMemSoc

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Meet Prod Mem Soc

We make use of the wonderful world of iChat.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Let's Get This Going

Hey all,

Thanks for stopping by Productive Members of Society's blog.

PMS is a self-proclaimed pop-rock, indie pop, jazz, punk, rap group from Michigan.

Just listen up at

We are just gettin' started. This band is the product of years spent in other bands.

Visit our Facebook page.